Ocean Lifeguards

Upcoming Events

Currently, there are no scheduled activities planned for the near future. See all upcoming events.


The Junior Lifeguard program has (2) 3-week sessions, Mon-Thur from 9am-2pm. It provides a positive environment for teaching youth ocean safety skills, basic first-aid skills, respect for the coastal environment, and discipline while promoting physical fitness, self-esteem, and team building. Ages 7-15.

All candidates must tryout for the program by completing a physical test.

One week camps offered during the summer which teach participants basic surfing fundamentals, ocean safety, and skill development. Offered for ages 6-17.

Contact Information and Resources
Ocean Lifeguards

Del Mar Beach Lifeguard Station: 7607252703

Del Mar Beach Lifeguard Station: 7607252078

Lifeguard Chief: 7607250457

San Onofre Lifeguard Station: 7607257437

San Onofre Lifeguard Station: 7607257979

Hours of operation:

Del Mar Beach Lifeguard Station
BLDG 21591

San Onofre Lifeguard Station
BLDG 510813

Lifeguard Hours

Daily 8am-Sunset
Resource Links
Resource Downloads
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