Scheduled Power Outage | Mar 22-23
Hours: 8am-6:30pm
Sat, Mar 22 Areas including: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 24, 26, 27
Sun, Mar 23 Areas including: 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 32, 33
Note: 20 area commissary in Pacific View Plaza is not affected. If your power is out on Sat, it will not go out on Sun.
Business Partners
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We're always looking for new partners to help us better serve our Marines and family members.
The procurement of equipment, supplies, support services, revenue-generating services, and professional services is accomplished at both the Headquarters and the MCCS field activity level. These procurements are considered non-retail or non-resale. Please click here for MCCS Contracting Office points of contact. To inquire about selling items through retail channels, such as the Marine Corps Exchange, click here to learn more.
To be added to the source list and considered for future procurements, interested vendors must contact each MCCS Contracting Office. We do not use a standard source application; simply provide your company name, website address, contact information, and a short summary of products or services.
Examples of non-resale procurement accomplished by the MCCS Contracting Office include:
Equipment & Supply Items:
Cell Phones and Service
Food Service Equipment
Retail Fixtures
IT Hardware and Software
Recreation & Fitness Equipment
Support Services:
Grounds Keeping
Printing & Advertising
Distribution Services
Small Construction
Maintenance and Repair
Revenue-generating Services
Barber and Beauty Shop Services
Vending Machines and Products
Golf Courses
Laundry/Dry Cleaning
Professional Services:
Banking, Audit, and Credit Card Processing Services
Feasibility Studies
Employee Development Training
Consultant Services
These goods and services are purchased for our Marine Corps Exchanges, clubs, lodging facilities, recreation activities and warehouse facilities. We also contract with nationally recognized companies for fast food operations, money transfer services, and film processing, to name a few.
Our non-resale procurement professionals may also order against other NAFI and Federal Government contracts, such as those issued by the General Services Administration and Air Force Nonappropriated Fund Purchasing Office (AFNAFPO).
It is our policy that procurement using nonappropriated funds be accomplished primarily through competition in a fair, equitable, and impartial manner, and to the best advantage of the MCCS. MCCS contracting is entitled to the same tax exemptions and adheres to the same tax regulations as other Federal agencies. The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) does not apply to non-appropriated fund procurements, except when specifically required by DoD Directive, Instruction, or Component regulations.
Contract Clauses/General Provisions Downloads
Listed below are the General Provision documents available for download. To view the document, simply click on the document title. For the current MCX Terms and Conditions and Vendor Standards Guide, visit
General provisions -Current
Previous Versions — General Provisions — Effective before 3 Aug 2015
- Purchase Order Terms and Conditions (MCX) — Aug 2014 (PDF)
- Purchase Order Terms and Conditions — Aug 2014 (PDF)
- Contract Clauses (MCX) — Jul 2015 (PDF)
- Contract Clauses (MCCS) — Jul 2015 (PDF)
- MCX General Provisions for Retail Merchandise - Jun 10 (PDF)
- MCX Special Provisions for Retail Merchandise - Jun 10 (PDF)