Life Skills

Upcoming Events



5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity Essentials

08:00am - 12:00pm

Location: Wounded Warrior BN West



Happiness Advantage

08:00am - 11:00am

Location: Online



Speed of Trust Foundations

08:00am - 12:00pm

Location: Online



5 Love Languages of Children

09:00am - 11:00am

Location: Online



Say What? Interpersonal Communication – Communication & Public Speaking to Influence

08:00am - 12:00pm

Location: Wounded Warrior BN West



Real Relationships

05:30pm - 07:30pm

Location: L.I.N.K.S.



Conflict Management

08:00am - 11:00am

Location: Wounded Warrior BN West



Basic Anger Management

09:00am - 11:00am

Location: Online



Say What? Interpersonal Communication

09:00am - 11:00am

Location: Online



Real Relationships

09:00am - 11:00am

Location: Online



7 Habits of Highly Effective People

08:00am - 02:30pm

Location: Online



4 Lenses and Careers

08:30am - 11:00am

Location: Online



Bridging the Generation Gap

09:00am - 12:00pm

Location: Online



4 Lenses and the Agile Leader

08:00am - 11:00am

Location: Wounded Warrior BN West



Happiness Advantage

08:30am - 11:00am

Location: Wounded Warrior BN West



Extended DISC®

08:00am - 12:00pm

Location: Online



Basic Stress Management

09:00am - 11:00am

Location: Online



Real Relationships

09:00am - 11:00am

Location: Online



Bridging the Generation Gap

09:00am - 11:00am

Location: Online



4 Lenses and Careers

08:30am - 11:00am

Location: Wounded Warrior BN West



Leading at the Speed of Trust

08:00am - 02:30pm

Location: Wounded Warrior BN West



5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity Essentials

08:00am - 12:00pm

Location: Online


4 Lenses

Not sure why everyone doesn’t see things your way? Clearly if they did, everything would be much better. Sadly, each of us sees the world from different points of view. This hilarious, interactive workshop identifies which “lens” you use to look at our world. More importantly, you’ll learn how others see the exact same world. No matter what role you fill (leader, follower, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, parent, or child) you’ll walk away with a whole new perspective on just about everyone around you.

4 Lenses for Couples – Date Night

Hey, what are you doing on Friday? Don’t worry; this is NOT some couples therapy session. Bring your better half along for a DATE NIGHT where you can actually learn more about one another and connect in new ways all while having a total blast! Impossible you say? We double-dog dare you to spend an evening discovering the different ways that each of you views family, relationships, intimacy, and finances. Missing out on this may be the biggest mistake of your life. Yes. Even bigger than the one you just remembered!

5 Choices for Extraordinary Productivity

Participants in our various productivity work sessions establish new mindsets about where to spend their time-driven by their most important priorities, as well as skillsets and toolsets that enable them to filter out distractions, achieve their highest priorities with excellence, and feel successful about what they have accomplished. Dramatically increase individuals’ focus on their most important goals, that are often buried by less important urgencies and distractions. Develop consistent processes and important people skills among their “unofficial” project managers. Enhance knowledge-worker abilities to increase productivity and communicate more effectively.

5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity Essentials

Participants in our various productivity work sessions establish new mindsets about where to spend their time-driven by their most important priorities, as well as skillsets and toolsets that enable them to filter out distractions, achieve their highest priorities with excellence, and feel successful about what they have accomplished, and develop consistent processes and important people skills among their “unofficial” project managers.

5 Love Languages for Couples – Date Night

Hey, what are you doing on Friday? Don’t worry; this is NOT some couples therapy session. Like the title says, this enchanted evening walks couples through the “5 Love Languages,” helping you to figure what presses your buttons, but more importantly how to score major points with your better half. Relying on tons of interaction and immediate application, couples learn what works (and what doesn’t). Plus, we’ll even get into how to make this work when you’re thousands of miles apart.

Based on Dr. Gary Chapman’s bestselling book by the same title.

5 Love Languages of Children

Discover how to speak your child’s love language in a way that he or she understands. In this workshop participants will discover their child’s love language, assist children in successful learning, use the love languages to correct and discipline more effectively and build a foundation of unconditional love for the child. Once you discover your child’s primary language—then speak it—you will be well on your way to a stronger relationship with your flourishing child.

7 Habits of Highly Effective Military Families

If motivation is what gets you started, HABITS are what keep you going. Every day military families face hurdles that would force Olympians to throw in the towel. Setting up a solid foundation and some reliable habits will take you from “we can’t” to “we can” and before you know it, you’ll be saying WE DID! Getting there takes teamwork, talent, desire, vision, and focus from the entire family. Of course, a few proven principles wouldn’t hurt either!

7 Habits for Highly Effective People 4.0

Aligns timeless principles of effectiveness with modern technology and practices. Develop increased maturity, greater productivity, and the ability to manage one’s self. Participants learn how to execute critical priorities with laser-like focus and careful planning. Increase team engagement, morale, and collaboration and how to improve communication skills and strengthen relationships. The workshop creates a framework for developing core values, creating a highly effective culture and develop current and high-potential leaders who model both character and competence.

Basic Anger Management

Although disagreements and anger are a normal part of life, violent expressions of feelings detract from personal and professional relationships and can negatively affect the efficient functioning and morale of Marine Corps units, individuals, families, and communities. This workshop is a basic overview of anger management. It provides education on the dynamics of anger and offers a variety of acceptable coping strategies to handle angry feelings and behaviors.

Basic Stress Management

Learn how to manage stress by changing your response to it. Learn to apply helpful techniques to manage your personal stress response. Learn how to apply a problem solving method to take action in high-stress situations. Understand a basic overview of stress and explain the Combat and Operational Stress Continuum. Identify at least two personal symptoms of stress. Identify at least two personal strategies for managing stress. Name at least two resources that can help Marine families address stress. Develop and Individual Action Plan for managing stress.

Bridging the Generation Gap

Communicating across generations is essential in today’s connected world. Understanding how various generations communicate and behave can be the key to success in reaching a common goal. Bridging the Generation Gap shows participants the unique characteristics of the many generations that exist today providing a foundation to enable improved communication across generations through increased knowledge of generational characteristics, influences, and priorities. Bridging the Generation Gap helps individuals improve their relationships on a professional and personal level by showing why generations may respond to each other in different ways.

Conflict Management

Participants will learn two factors that cause conflict. There are three styles that individuals can use to respond to conflict. In this workshop participants discover the characteristics of three levels of conflict that lead to escalation and will learn two techniques that productively resolve conflict.

Happiness Advantage

Everyone believed that the Sun revolved around the Earth, and then in 1543 Copernicus blew everyone’s mind! Just like that, most people believe that only after they’re successful will they finally be happy. Based on recent discoveries in the fields of positive psychology and neuroscience, that formula for happiness is dead wrong. In fact, it’s COMPLETELY backwards. It turns out, happiness actually fuels success, not the other way around. When we become more positive, our brain becomes more engaged, creative, motivated, energetic, healthier, resilient, and productive. It can be as easy as 20 seconds, but you’ll have to register to find out how.

Based on Shawn Achor’s book by the same title, and as taught in Harvard’s famed Happiness Course and to Fortune 500 companies worldwide.

How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk

Everyone has a best friend. Well, how did they get to be your best friend? You took the time to get to know each other. You found out that you shared common interests and points of view. You built trust and reliability over time. You remained loyal to each other when the going got tough. You probably provided alibis to throw off the cops!

What if you took the time to build the same relationship with the person that KNOCKS YOUR SOCKS OFF?!? It’s impossible to really know someone without investing the time in it, and marrying someone you hardly know is like joining the Marine Corps on an OPEN CONTRACT – who knows where you’ll end up! This workshop allows participants to eliminate the JERK(ETTE) before they have the keys to your heart… and base housing.


Calling all couples! YES ALL COUPLES. Married, dating, committed, just met, carpooling – you’re totally the right fit. No matter how long you’ve been together or your marital status you’re are guaranteed to walk away from this workshop as Relationship Ninjas, capable of fighting off the rough patches when they sneak up on you. Couples spend most of their time in one-on-one discussions putting the skills they’re learning to practice right away.

Ready, Set, Prepare!

This workshop contains information regarding actions that service members and families should take to be informed and prepared in the event of natural and man-made hazards. This workshop is designed for families to prepare themselves for all types of emergencies, to increase their personal sense of security and peace of mind.

Real Relationships

Lasting relationships take work. Add the military lifestyle to that and now you’re up against another set of challenges altogether. No matter where you’re at in your current relationship, there’s no better time to make it stronger than ever. We’re talking silverback gorilla strong! While it’s always great to attend couples classes together, sometimes that just can’t happen (so individuals are always welcome, too). Whether the honeymoon hasn’t happened yet, is still ongoing, or was over years ago, the information and activities offer positive and proactive ways to build a healthy, lasting relationship.

"Say What?!?" Interpersonal Communication

Have you ever had a conversation go downhill fast when you heard the words, “What’s that supposed to mean?” Gender, age, experiences, and style can all impact how we communicate with the people around us. Sometimes it isn’t even what you say; it’s how you say it. There are some fundamental mistakes that most of us make without even realizing it, but there’s hope. “Say What?!?” is your chance to take the first step toward improving every personal and professional relationship you have.

Speed of Trust Foundations

The vital currency in today’s connected, collaborative world is trust. Like any other discipline, creating trust is a learnable skill, and with the tenets laid out by Stephen M.R. Covey in his best-selling book The Speed of Trust, your organization can forego the slow, time-killing bureaucracies put in place because of mistrust, and start accelerating your business, and your bottom line, by moving at the speed of trust.

4 Lenses

Not sure why everyone doesn’t see things your way? Clearly if they did, everything would be much better. Sadly, each of us sees the world from different points of view. This hilarious, interactive workshop identifies which “lens” you use to look at our world. More importantly, you’ll learn how others see the exact same world. No matter what role you fill (leader, follower, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, parent, or child) you’ll walk away with a whole new perspective on just about everyone around you.

4 Lenses and the Agile Leader

Not sure why everyone doesn't see things your way? Clearly, if they did, everything would be much better. Sadly, each of us sees the world from different points of view.

This hilarious, interactive workshop identifies which "lens" you use to look at our world. More importantly, you'll learn how others see the exact same world. No matter what role you fill (leader, follower, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, parent, or child) you'll walk away with a whole new perspective on just about everyone around you. This work session will discuss and apply Agile leader concepts and apply 4 Lenses to leading, communicating, and negotiating as an agile leader and leading projects using SCRUM concepts.

5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity Essentials

Participants in our various productivity work sessions establish new mindsets about where to spend their time-driven by their most important priorities, as well as skillsets and toolsets that enable them to filter out distractions, achieve their highest priorities with excellence, and feel successful about what they have accomplished, and develop consistent processes and important people skills among their “unofficial” project managers.

5 Love Languages of Children

Discover how to speak your child’s love language in a way that he or she understands. In this workshop participants will discover their child’s love language, assist children in successful learning, use the love languages to correct and discipline more effectively and build a foundation of unconditional love for the child. Once you discover your child’s primary language—then speak it—you will be well on your way to a stronger relationship with your flourishing child.

7 Habits of Highly Effective Military Families

If motivation is what gets you started, HABITS are what keep you going. Every day military families face hurdles that would force Olympians to throw in the towel. Setting up a solid foundation and some reliable habits will take you from “we can’t” to “we can” and before you know it, you’ll be saying WE DID! Getting there takes teamwork, talent, desire, vision, and focus from the entire family. Of course, a few proven principles wouldn’t hurt either!

Basic Anger Management

Although disagreements and anger are a normal part of life, violent expressions of feelings detract from personal and professional relationships and can negatively affect the efficient functioning and morale of Marine Corps units, individuals, families, and communities. This workshop is a basic overview of anger management. It provides education on the dynamics of anger and offers a variety of acceptable coping strategies to handle angry feelings and behaviors.

Bridging the Generation Gap

Communicating across generations is essential in today’s connected world. Understanding how various generations communicate and behave can be the key to success in reaching a common goal. Bridging the Generation Gap shows participants the unique characteristics of the many generations that exist today providing a foundation to enable improved communication across generations through increased knowledge of generational characteristics, influences, and priorities. Bridging the Generation Gap helps individuals improve their relationships on a professional and personal level by showing why generations may respond to each other in different ways.

Extended DISC

Extended DISC® Individual Assessments are the only DISC assessments in the world that can be customized to your unique needs and applications. They measure an individual's hard-wired DISC style – NOT what they think or want to be – creating the most accurate starting point for development. Extended DISC® is an assessment tool designed to help individuals, teams, and organizations to become more successful by providing easy-to-use information on how to modify behavior.

Happiness Advantage

Everyone believed that the Sun revolved around the Earth, and then in 1543 Copernicus blew everyone’s mind! Just like that, most people believe that only after they’re successful will they finally be happy. Based on recent discoveries in the fields of positive psychology and neuroscience, that formula for happiness is dead wrong. In fact, it’s COMPLETELY backwards. It turns out, happiness actually fuels success, not the other way around. When we become more positive, our brain becomes more engaged, creative, motivated, energetic, healthier, resilient, and productive. It can be as easy as 20 seconds, but you’ll have to register to find out how.

Based on Shawn Achor’s book by the same title, and as taught in Harvard’s famed Happiness Course and to Fortune 500 companies worldwide.

How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk

Everyone has a best friend. Well, how did they get to be your best friend? You took the time to get to know each other. You found out that you shared common interests and points of view. You built trust and reliability over time. You remained loyal to each other when the going got tough. You probably provided alibis to throw off the cops!

What if you took the time to build the same relationship with the person that KNOCKS YOUR SOCKS OFF?!? It’s impossible to really know someone without investing the time in it, and marrying someone you hardly know is like joining the Marine Corps on an OPEN CONTRACT – who knows where you’ll end up! This workshop allows participants to eliminate the JERK(ETTE) before they have the keys to your heart… and base housing.

Leading Across Generations

For the first time in history, there are four distinct generations in the workforce: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials…all with their own perspectives, styles, and expectations. Unfortunately, where there are differences, often there are conflicts. What if leaders could leverage the differences between generations instead of just eliminating conflict? In this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand and leverage the differences among generations.
  • Resolve the Sticking Points that inevitably occur among generations’ differing perspectives, styles, and expectations.
  • Motivate team members to volunteer their greatest contribution by engaging the whole person and giving space for generational differences to exist.

Leading Through the Speed of Trust

Trust isn’t a quality you either have or you don’t, it’s a learnable skill. Teams and organizations that operate with high trust significantly outperform those who do not cultivate trust at the core of their culture. Developing trust helps team members become energized and engaged. They collaborate more effectively, operate faster, and achieve sustainable results. The Speed of Trust Transformation Process™ is leverage that dramatically impacts business outcomes through changing the performance of individuals and teams. The Speed of Trust Transformation Process drives a scalable, simple methodology that easily guides individuals, leaders, and organizations to become explicit and deliberate about creating a high-trust, highly engaged culture focused on results.


Calling all couples! YES ALL COUPLES. Married, dating, committed, just met, carpooling – you’re totally the right fit. No matter how long you’ve been together or your marital status you’re are guaranteed to walk away from this workshop as Relationship Ninjas, capable of fighting off the rough patches when they sneak up on you. Couples spend most of their time in one-on-one discussions putting the skills they’re learning to practice right away.

"Say What?!?" Interpersonal Communications

Have you ever had a conversation go downhill fast when you heard the words, “What’s that supposed to mean?” Gender, age, experiences, and style can all impact how we communicate with the people around us. Sometimes it isn’t even what you say; it’s how you say it. There are some fundamental mistakes that most of us make without even realizing it, but there’s hope. “Say What?!?” is your chance to take the first step toward improving every personal and professional relationship you have.

Speed of Trust Foundations

The vital currency in today’s connected, collaborative world is trust. Like any other discipline, creating trust is a learnable skill, and with the tenets laid out by Stephen M.R. Covey in his best-selling book The Speed of Trust, your organization can forego the slow, time-killing bureaucracies put in place because of mistrust, and start accelerating your business, and your bottom line, by moving at the speed of trust.

4 Lenses for Couples – Date Night

Hey, what are you doing on Friday? Don’t worry; this is NOT some couples therapy session. Bring your better half along for a DATE NIGHT where you can actually learn more about one another and connect in new ways all while having a total blast! Impossible you say? We double-dog dare you to spend an evening discovering the different ways that each of you views family, relationships, intimacy, and finances. Missing out on this may be the biggest mistake of your life. Yes. Even bigger than the one you just remembered!

5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity Essentials

Participants in our various productivity work sessions establish new mindsets about where to spend their time-driven by their most important priorities, as well as skillsets and toolsets that enable them to filter out distractions, achieve their highest priorities with excellence, and feel successful about what they have accomplished, and develop consistent processes and important people skills among their “unofficial” project managers.

5 Love Languages of Children

Discover how to speak your child’s love language in a way that he or she understands. In this workshop participants will discover their child’s love language, assist children in successful learning, use the love languages to correct and discipline more effectively and build a foundation of unconditional love for the child. Once you discover your child’s primary language—then speak it—you will be well on your way to a stronger relationship with your flourishing child.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People Signature Program

What habits do you rely on in your everyday life to make you AWESOME?!? Over this 3-day workshop, you’ll gain hands-on experience applying principles that will empower you with improved communication, strengthened relationships, increased influence, superhero-like focus on critical priorities and penguin wrestling skills (not really the penguin part). Off base, this costs participants upwards of $2,000. We’re offering it for FREE. Seats are limited to 25 per session, so make sure you register right away.

7 Habits of Highly Effective Military Families

If motivation is what gets you started, HABITS are what keep you going. Every day military families face hurdles that would force Olympians to throw in the towel. Setting up a solid foundation and some reliable habits will take you from “we can’t” to “we can” and before you know it, you’ll be saying WE DID! Getting there takes teamwork, talent, desire, vision, and focus from the entire family. Of course, a few proven principles wouldn’t hurt either!

Basic Anger Management

Although disagreements and anger are a normal part of life, violent expressions of feelings detract from personal and professional relationships and can negatively affect the efficient functioning and morale of Marine Corps units, individuals, families, and communities. This workshop is a basic overview of anger management. It provides education on the dynamics of anger and offers a variety of acceptable coping strategies to handle angry feelings and behaviors.

Bridging the Generations Gap

Communicating across generations is essential in today’s connected world. Understanding how various generations communicate and behave can be the key to success in reaching a common goal. Bridging the Generation Gap shows participants the unique characteristics of the many generations that exist today providing a foundation to enable improved communication across generations through increased knowledge of generational characteristics, influences, and priorities. Bridging the Generation Gap helps individuals improve their relationships on a professional and personal level by showing why generations may respond to each other in different ways.

Extended DISC

Extended DISC® Individual Assessments are the only DISC assessments in the world that can be customized to your unique needs and applications. They measure an individual's hard-wired DISC style – NOT what they think or want to be – creating the most accurate starting point for development. Extended DISC® is an assessment tool designed to help individuals, teams, and organizations to become more successful by providing easy-to-use information on how to modify behavior.

Happiness Advantage

Everyone believed that the Sun revolved around the Earth, and then in 1543 Copernicus blew everyone’s mind! Just like that, most people believe that only after they’re successful will they finally be happy. Based on recent discoveries in the fields of positive psychology and neuroscience, that formula for happiness is dead wrong. In fact, it’s COMPLETELY backwards. It turns out, happiness actually fuels success, not the other way around. When we become more positive, our brain becomes more engaged, creative, motivated, energetic, healthier, resilient, and productive. It can be as easy as 20 seconds, but you’ll have to register to find out how.

Based on Shawn Achor’s book by the same title, and as taught in Harvard’s famed Happiness Course and to Fortune 500 companies worldwide.

How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk

Everyone has a best friend. Well, how did they get to be your best friend? You took the time to get to know each other. You found out that you shared common interests and points of view. You built trust and reliability over time. You remained loyal to each other when the going got tough. You probably provided alibis to throw off the cops!

What if you took the time to build the same relationship with the person that KNOCKS YOUR SOCKS OFF?!? It’s impossible to really know someone without investing the time in it, and marrying someone you hardly know is like joining the Marine Corps on an OPEN CONTRACT – who knows where you’ll end up! This workshop allows participants to eliminate the JERK(ETTE) before they have the keys to your heart… and base housing.

Leading Across Generations

For the first time in history, there are four distinct generations in the workforce: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials…all with their own perspectives, styles, and expectations. Unfortunately, where there are differences, often there are conflicts. What if leaders could leverage the differences between generations instead of just eliminating conflict? In this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand and leverage the differences among generations.
  • Resolve the Sticking Points that inevitably occur among generations’ differing perspectives, styles, and expectations.
  • Motivate team members to volunteer their greatest contribution by engaging the whole person and giving space for generational differences to exist.

Leading Through the Speed of Trust

Trust isn’t a quality you either have or you don’t, it’s a learnable skill. Teams and organizations that operate with high trust significantly outperform those who do not cultivate trust at the core of their culture. Developing trust helps team members become energized and engaged. They collaborate more effectively, operate faster, and achieve sustainable results. The Speed of Trust Transformation Process™ is leverage that dramatically impacts business outcomes through changing the performance of individuals and teams. The Speed of Trust Transformation Process drives a scalable, simple methodology that easily guides individuals, leaders, and organizations to become explicit and deliberate about creating a high-trust, highly engaged culture focused on results.

“Say What?!?” Interpersonal Communication

Have you ever had a conversation go downhill fast when you heard the words, “What’s that supposed to mean?” Gender, age, experiences, and style can all impact how we communicate with the people around us. Sometimes it isn’t even what you say; it’s how you say it. There are some fundamental mistakes that most of us make without even realizing it, but there’s hope. “Say What?!?” is your chance to take the first step toward improving every personal and professional relationship you have.

"Say What?!?" Interpersonal Communication – Public Speaking

Want to improve your confidence in public speaking? Want to improve your messages with small or large groups? This is the session for you! We will cover the basics of generating a message for large and small groups. We will work on preparing a message and how to create a message with power and purpose along with impromptu presentations. We will cover how to give a message with confidence and hands-on practical exercises will take place in this interactive and fun session.

Speed of Trust Foundations

The vital currency in today’s connected, collaborative world is trust. Like any other discipline, creating trust is a learnable skill, and with the tenets laid out by Stephen M.R. Covey in his best-selling book The Speed of Trust, your organization can forego the slow, time-killing bureaucracies put in place because of mistrust, and start accelerating your business, and your bottom line, by moving at the speed of trust.
Contact Information and Resources
Life Skills

Hours of operation:

Mon-Fri 7am-4:30pm
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