
Upcoming Events

Marine Corps History & Traditions: Outlines USMC structure and mission to include Navy personnel attached to USMC units. Provides historical insights and discusses traditions.

Benefits & Services: An overview of benefits, privileges, and resources available to military families; including the location of these services and how to access their wealth of information.

Pay: Explains the differences between a civilian and military paycheck, while introducing the Leave and Earning Statement (LES), including a general discussion on basic pay and allowances.

Separations & Deployments: Discusses the inevitable separations military families will experience, and provides suggestions from seasoned spouses on how to successfully balance the additional responsibilities when your Marine is away.

Moving in the Military: Insights on the moving process; everything from the first packer’s inspection to clearing quarters.

Communication: Focuses on healthy interaction with others in the family and community; insights into the role of the Navy Chaplain and family support.

Career Opportunities: Provides participants with information on the benefits and opportunities for those who choose to “Stay Marine”.

Volunteering: Explore the benefits of becoming involved in your community; discuss local opportunities for volunteering and how to include on a resume.

Celebration: Cake cutting and celebration – summation of the L.I.N.K.S. journey and encouragement to participants to continue developing their knowledge and skills, and mentoring incoming families.

Additional Info

How do I get a L.I.N.K.S. certificate so I can work with the Command?

Command team members are required to take an 8-hour L.I.N.K.S. session every 3 years.

Can civilians employed by the Military attend?

Yes! Taking a L.I.N.K.S. workshop will help you to better serve your customers, and give you an enhanced understanding of the military culture.

Why should I take a L.I.N.K.S. workshop?

People attend L.I.N.K.S. to help get answers to their questions about the Marine Corps lifestyle… to learn about their new duty station… to make new friends… to discover resources that will enhance life aboard Camp Pendleton…and to find encouragement to grow in their new community!

The L.I.N.K.S. program exists because mentors teach it, understand its importance, and want to help others succeed.

L.I.N.K.S. mentors understand how valuable this information is for everyone regardless of how long you have been affiliated with this lifestyle. Becoming a part of the L.I.N.K.S. team ensures families will continue learning about the hundreds of resources available to them, and encourages you to grow your talents and skillsets.

Become a Mentor
People who join the team fill resume gaps, learn new skills, make friends, and become best version of themselves!

Must have current L.I.N.K.S. certificate from current duty station (within 3 years),
Mentor orientation class held by L.I.N.K.S. trainer
(760) 429-8363 (call or text)
(760) 725-9052 (office)
Find us on Facebook! MCCS Camp Pendleton – L.I.N.K.S.

Contact Information and Resources

Phone: 7607639634

Call/Text: 7604298363

Follow Us:

Hours of operation:

Family Readiness Main Office
BLDG 13150
(760) 725-9052


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