Marine Memorial Golf Course

Unyielding to the seasoned, yet playable for the novice, William P. Bell’s Marine Memorial Golf Course has been praised for its bunkers, ingenuity, and innovations in golf course construction. Enjoy the Marine Corps heritage of this course and play for the history, the heroes, and the tradition.

Open to the public. Apply for base access. There is a one-week wait for processing. Once approved, access is valid for 90 days.

6,865 yards from the Tip Chipping Areas
18 Hole – Par 72 Non-Metal Spike Course
Sand Bunkers Natural Grass Driving Range
Practice Putting Green  

Additional Info

  • Private Lessons
  • Junior Golf
  • Summer Golf Camps
  • Skills Challenges
  • Couples Lessons
All classes are given by PGA Professionals and Apprentices. Call for rates and details: (760) 725-4653

Customized packages are available with an array of catering options to meet any budget. A Tournament Representative assists in coordinating every aspect of the event.

Contact the Tournament Coordinator for more information or call (760) 763-7869.

Rank Mon, Tue, Fri
E1-E5 (Active) $45
E6+ (Active)/Retired Military/DoD $55
Civilian $70

Become a member of the Marine Memorial Golf Course! Score incredible savings! No longer do you have to wait for Twilight or Super Twilight rates for the best deal. Membership allows you to play when you want, any time of day (tee time required). Play six holes, play twenty holes, or play what you like…it is all included in your membership!

Two Types of Memberships:

  • 7-days/week: Green fee; perfect for walkers.
  • 5-days/week: Green fee and cart fee, Mon–Fri.

Soccer and golf come together to create fun for every age group. Play by kicking a soccer ball on the Leatherneck 9; kick the ball into an oversized hole in the fewest amount of kicks.


9 Holes Soccer Ball Rental
$7 $5

Unit PT and Special Groups Available: Call (760) 763-7869/725-GOLF or visit the Pro Shop for more information.


  • Your ball must be easy to identify.
  • Kick off your ball from the position up to two ball lengths behind and in between the markers.
  • The ball must be played as a single movement. You are not allowed to push the ball with the top or bottom of your foot. Your foot should be set separate from the ball, clearly behind, before each kick.
  • Play the ball where it lies: You are not allowed to move the ball or remove jammed objects. EXCEPTION: You may mark the spot and lift the ball when it may obstruct the other player’s kick or ball in any way.
  • The player farthest from the hole is first to kick the ball.
  • If ball comes to rest on a putting green, the player must drop their ball off and adjacent to the putting green, no nearer to the FootGolf hole (no penalty).
  • The order of play is established based on score of the previous hole. The player with the best score will kick off first on the next hole followed by second, etc.
  • Wear appropriate clothing (follow Base Dress Code). No soccer cleats (indoor soccer shoes are acceptable).
  • Have fun!


Descriptions of Holes - USMC Battles

Hole 1 – Tun Tavern: A committee of the Continental Congress met at Tun Tavern to draft a resolution calling for two batallions of Marines able to fight for independence at sea and on shore. The resolution was approved on Novemver 10, 1775, officially forming the Continental Marines.

Hole 2 – Tripoli: The First Barbary War (1801-1805), was the first of two Barbary Wars, in which the United States and Sweden fought against the four Barbary States. The cause of the U.S. participation was due to pirates from the Barbary States seizing American merchant ships and holding the crews for ransom. The First Barbary War showed that America could execute a war far from home and that American forces had the cohesion to fight together as Americans, rather than separate statesmen.

Hole 3 – Battle of Derna: The turning point in the First Barbary War was the Battle of Derna (April-May 1805). This was the first time the United States flag was raised in victory on foreign soil. The action was memorialized in a line of the Marines' Hymn – "the shores of Tripoli." It is fabled that Lieutenant O'Bannon performed so heroically that he was presented a sword from Pasha Hamet Karamanli. The sword later became the pattern for the swords that are carried by the Marine Corps officers today.

Hole 4 – Battle of Chapultepec: The Battle of Chapultepec in September 1847 was an assault by American forces on the Mexican forces holding Chapultepec in Mexico City. The castle, sitting atop a 200-foot tall hill was an important position for the defense of the city. The efforts of this battle and subsequent occupation of Mexico City were later memorialized in the opening lines of the Marines' Hymn.

Hole 5 – Battle of Belleau Wood: The Battle of Belleau Wood (1-26 June 1918) announced to the Germans that the United States armed forces had arrived in strength and were eager to fight. Though documented to be one of their bloodiest fights, the Marines fought off parts of five divisions of Germans and were often reduced to using only their bayonets and fists in hand-to-hand combat. The term "devil dog" is later given to the Marines by the Germans because of their tenacity.

Hole 6 – Battle of Guadalcanal: On August 7, 1942, allied forces and the United States Marines land on Guadalcanal, Tulagi, and Florida in the southern Solomon Islands. The Japanese defenders who have occupied those lands since May 1842, were outnumbered and overwhelmed by the allies who captured Tulagi and Florida, as well as the airfield – later named "Henderson Field."

Hole 7 – Battle of Tarawa: The Battle of Tarawa was fought in the Pacific Theater of World War II, November 20-23, 1943. The battle was the first time that the United States had faced serious Japanese opposition to an amphibious landing. Due to low tide, United States landing crafts would get snagged up in the coral reefs. 4,500 Japanese troops attempted to take advantage of this misfortune but they were no match for the 18,000 Americans.

Hole 8 – Battle of Peleliu: The battle of Peleliu, codenamed "Operation Stalemate II" by the United States military, was fought between the United States and Japan during the Mariana and Palau Campaign of World War II, from September-November 1944, on the island of Peleliu. This battle was part of a larger offensive campaign known as Operation Forager, which ran from June-November 1944, in the Pacific Theater. The National Museum of the Marine Corps called it "the bitterest battle of the war for the Marines."

Hole 9 – Battle of Iwo Jima: The Battle of Iwo Jima (February 19 - March 26, 1945) was a major battle in which the United States Marine Corps and Navy landed on and eventually captured the island of Iwo Jima from the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II. The American invasion had the goal of capturing the entire island. This five-week battle comprised some of the fiercest and bloodiest fighting of the Pacific War of World War II.

Hole 10 – Battle of Okinawa: The Battle of Okinawa, codenamed "Operation Iceberg" was a major battle of the Pacific War fought on the island of Okinawa by the United States Marine and Army forces against the Imperial Japanese Army. The initial invasion of Okinawa on April 1, 1945, was the largest amphibious assault in the Pacific Theater of World War II.

Hole 11 – Battle of Inchon: The Battle of Inchon (September 15, 1950) was an amphibious invasion and battle during the Korean War that resulted in a decisive victory and strategic reversal in favor of the United Nations Command. The operation involved some 75,000 troops and 261 naval vessels and led to the recapture of the South Korean capital of Seoul.

Hole 12 – Battle of Chosin Reservoir: The Battle of Chosin Reservoir took place a month after the People's Republic of China entered the conflict and sent the People's Volunteer Army to infiltrate the northeastern part of North Korea. On November 27, 1950, the Chinese forces surprised the United States X Corps at the Chosin Reservoir area. A brutal 17-day battle in freezing weather soon followed.

Hole 13 – Operation Union: Operation Union was a search and destroy mission in the Que Son Valley carried out by the 1st Marine Regiment from April 21 - May 16, 1967. The object of the operation was to engage the People's Army of Vietnam 2nd Division. Operation Union concluded with the 5th Marine Regiment being awarded the Presidential Unit Citation award by President Lyndon Johnson. On May 26, 5th Marines, which had assumed control of the latter stages of Operation Union, kicked off Operation Union II.

Hole 14 – Battle of Khe Sanh: The Battle of Khe Sanh (January 21 - July 9, 1968) was conducted in the Khe Sanh area of northwestern Quang Tri Province, Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War. The main United States forces defending Khe Sanh Combat Base were two regiments of the Marine Corps supported by elements from the Army, Air Force, and Army of the Republic of Vietnam troops.

Hole 15 – Battle of Hue: The Battle of Hue was one of the longest and bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War. Between January 31 and March 3, 1968, 18 battalions from the Army of the Republic of Vietnam, the Army, and the Marine Corps defeated 10 battalions of the People's Army of Vietnam and the Viet Cong.

Hole 16 – The Gulf War (The Battle of Khafji): The Battle of Khafji was the first major ground engagement of the Persian Gulf War. It took place in and around the Saudi Arabian city of Khafji from January 29 - February 1, 1991 and marked the culmination of the Coalition's air campaign over Kuwait and Iraq.

Hole 17 – Operation Iraqi Freedom: On March 19, 2003, an ultimatum given to the regime of Saddam Hussein expired, so the United States and an allied coalition began what was known as, "Operation Iraqi Freedom." The military objectives of Operation Iraqi Freedom consisted of ending the regime of Saddam Hussein, identifying, isolating, and eliminating Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, and searching for, capturing, and driving out terrorists from the country.

Hole 18 – Battle of Ramadi: The Battle of Ramadi was fought during the Iraq War from March - November 2006 in order to gain control of the capital of the Al Anbar Governorate in western Iraq. A combined force of Marines, Navy, and Iraqi Security Forces fought insurgents for control of key locations in Ramadi. Intense fighting in the later months of the battle largely eliminated al-Queda from the city.

Green Fees

Rank Weekday Weekend
E1–E5 (Active) $19 $20
E6–O3 (Active) $29 $30
O4–O10 (Active) $32 $33
All Retired Military $32 $33
DoD or Veteran $39 $45
Civilian $47 $51
Junior (9-17) 50% of Sponsor 50% of Sponsor
Leatherneck 9 $7 $7


Rank Twilight (Weekday / Weekend) Super Twilight (Weekday / Weekend)
E1-E5 (Active) $17 / $18 $12 / $13
E6–O3 (Active) $23 / $24 $17 / $18
O4–O10 (Active) $23 / $24 $18 / $19
All Retired Military $25 / $26 $20 / $21
DoD or Veteran $29 / $30 $22 / $23
Civilian $33 / $34 $27 / $28
Junior (9-17) 50% of Sponsor 50% of Sponsor
Summer – Active Duty 12:30pm | All Others 1:30pm
Winter – Active Duty 11:30am | All Others 12:30pm

Summer – Active Duty 2:30pm | All Others 3:30pm
Winter – Active Duty 1:30pm | All Others 2:30pm


Tournament Fees

Rank Mon, Tue, Fri
E1-E5 (Active) $45
E6+ (Active)/Retired Military/DoD $55
Civilian $70
Membership Fees
Retired Military $2,000
DoD & Veterans $2,250
Civilian $2,500
  3 Months 6 Months 12 Months
E5-Below $300 $450 $720
E6-O3 $450 $730 $1,165
O4 and Above $500 $800 $1,280

Eagle's Landing

Available by reservation.

Windmill Canyon

Tuesday 7am-3pm
Wednesday - Sunday 7am-5pm

Kitchen closes an hour before closing.

View Menu

USGA Rules govern all place except as modified by the local rules (available in the Pro Shop).

Course Information

  • Pace of play is important. Your place on the golf course is behind the group in front of you and not in front of the group behind you.
  • Please repair ball marks on greens, replace divots and/or use sand containers, and rake bunkers.
  • Course distance markers are measured to the center of the green.
  • Please keep carts on paths around tee boxes and greens.
  • Restroom are located on Hole #6, Hole #14, and Hole #17.
  • No outside food, beverage, or coolers are permitted on the premises unless otherwise authorized by management.
  • Minimum age for junior golfers to play and/or ride in a golf cart on the regulation course is 7 years old.
  • To be granted permission to start your round on Hole #10, you MUST check in with Pro Shop personnel before proceeding.

Cart Fees

18 Holes $18
9 Holes $10

Other Fees

Pull Cart $8
Rental Clubs $15/set
Rental Clubs (VIP) $40/set
Soccer Ball $5
Range Tokens - 30 Balls $4
Contact Information and Resources
Marine Memorial Golf Course

Marine Memorial Golf Course: 7607254653

Tournaments & Golf Outings: 7607637869

Hours of operation:

Summer Hours
Daily 6:30am-6pm
Winter Hours
Daily 6:30am-4pm


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