Scheduled Power Outage | Mar 22-23
Hours: 8am-6:30pm
Sat, Mar 22 Areas including: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 24, 26, 27
Sun, Mar 23 Areas including: 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 32, 33
Note: 20 area commissary in Pacific View Plaza is not affected.
Fitness Centers will remain open unless it it's an unmanned location.
If your power is out on Sat, it will not go out on Sun.
Stepp Stables
Currently, there are no scheduled activities planned for the near future. See all upcoming events.
Open daily to the public for boarding, lessons, and even miles and miles of scenic trail rides. Stepp Stables serves the military, DoD employees, and civilians.
Civilians are able to board with us even if they do not have regular base access. Please give us a call to go over the details.
All lessons and trail rides are limited availability and by appointment only. Forms can be found at Light Speed which can be filled out in advance and brought in the day of your scheduled appointment. We offer riding lessons to ages 3+ and trail rides to ages 7+. Give us a call today to schedule!
- three arenas
- upper arena 96x185 (17,760 sq ft)
- middle arena 100x250 (25,000 sq ft)
- lower arena 100x230 (23,000 sq ft)
- three round pens
- miles of scenic trail riding
- three wash racks
- turnout pens
- 24' x 24' mare motel stalls
- individual tack room included per stall
- automatic fly spray system
- automatic waterer
Feed Fees | ||
Military | Civilian | |
Self-Feed | $350 | $475 |
Full Feed | $525 | $625 |
Lot Pasture | $350 | $400 |
Supplemental Feedings Boarder supplied. |
$35 | $35 |
Feed options are described as:
- Self-feed – Owners responsibility to feed their boarded horse twice daily. Hay can be purchased at an extra charge.
- Full feed – Twice daily Stepp Stables staff feeding (6am-7am, 4pm-5pm). Two alfalfa or Bermuda flakes are fed at each feeding. Staff will monitor fecal output in the morning and water intake.
- Lot pasture – Full feed service which includes two alfalfa or Bermuda flakes.
Service Fees | |
Stall Cleaning individual cleaning | $125 |
Trailer Parking assigned parking spot | $40/month |
Emergency Veterinary Care Fees |
Fees are varied and based on care and treatment. |
Lessons | ||
Our instructors are well-versed in both Western and English riding styles. Based on age and experience level, riders will learn the basics of horse care including but not limited to the overall anatomy of the horse, grooming techniques, tacking up, grooming, and hands-on riding. Riders are required to wear ankle-length pants and close-toed shoes to all lessons and trails. Helmets are provided for all and required for anyone under 18 years old. |
Age | Military | Civilian |
3-4 years | $10 | $15 |
5-6 years | $20 | $25 |
7+ years Private | $50 | $55 |
7+ years Semi-Private | $45 | $45 |
7+ years Group | $35 | $40 |
Trails | ||
No experience is needed. All trail rides are led by our riding instructors and, weather permitting, are one hour long. Ankle-length pants and close-toed shoes are required. Helmets are provided. Must be 7 years or older, regardless of parental/guardian supervision. |
Military | Civilian | |
Private Each party rides alone. |
$55 | $60 |
Group Two or more parties ride the trail together. |
$45 | $50 |
Events | ||
We offer birthday parties/events pavilion rental! This is entirely customizable and can include 1-2 ponies, a small bag of horse treats, a roping clinic, and a bounce house. Give us a call for a pricing estimate. For any questions or concerns, please reach us at or (760) 405-7017. If your call is missed, please leave a voicemail or text message and we will respond as soon as we are able to. |
Military | Civilian | |
Pony Parties | $65 | $75 |
Civilians are able to board with us! We offer three boarding options:
Full Care Board
Twice a day feedings which include hay (alfalfa and Bermuda, 2 flakes each), once-a-day stall cleaning, once-a-day water checks, and fecal output checks. Any concerns will be directed to the owner immediately.
Self-Care Board
The owner is in charge of stall cleaning (twice a week minimum) and the owner provides hay and sand. We do offer both items for sale on the property for an additional cost.
If you wish to do a Self-Care Board but are worried about always being available to come in to feed/clean up after your horse, we do allow caretakers. This would need to be confirmed with the manager and would be a form between you and your chosen caretaker. Please give us a call for more information.
Field Board
Twice-a-day Stepp Stables provided hay as well as once-a-day water checks. Field board has limited availability. Please call to verify occupancy.
Stepp Stables does not allow any stallions to board as well as no hind shoes allowed in the field pasture.
Stepp Stables offers miles upon miles of scenic trail rides open to DoD employees, military members, and their families. Each individual is fitted to a well-broke horse to carry them through the scenic planes of Camp Pendleton. Each trail ride lasts about an hour with a knowledgeable trail guide instructor leading the way. Those under 18 years of age are required to wear a helmet. Trail rides are scheduled in advance so please call us if you have any questions or have a day in mind you'd like to come out.
Ensure that your horse has proper medical care, hoof care, feed, and exercise.*
Owner must ensure that the horse receives proper care as approved by the MCCS Stepp Stables Manager as outlined in the boarding agreement. Horses may be placed on full feed or full cleaning without owner permission at the discretion of Stables management and may be reported to Animal Control. Animal abuse will not be tolerated at any time. Animal abuse and/or neglect may result in border being evicted from the stables and a report submitted to the Humane Society.
Pen façades must be kept neat and clean.
Equipment such as muck rakes must be hung up and off the ground. Halters and lead ropes may be hung from wall hooks. All other equipment must be stored in tack sheds. Stables staff at management’s discretion will remove all items not stored in the tack rooms. Please keep all stall gates closed and latched at all times. If gates are opened, please open to the inside.
Clean up after yourselves, your horses, and dogs in common areas.
Clean up any trash or mess that you create. This includes hay outside tack sheds and stalls, waste from grooming and clipping, and all manure, equine and canine. Owners are responsible at all times for controlling the behavior of their pets. No dog shall be allowed to roam free at any time. Dogs must be on a leash at all times.
Stalls must be cleaned a minimum of four times per week.
Water troughs, buckets, automatic waters, etc. must be cleaned at least once weekly. Frequent stall cleaning reduces the number of flies in boarding areas. Stalls that have not been cleaned in four days will be cleaned by Stables Staff. Cleaning fees shall be assessed as outlined in the Stepp Stables Boarding Agreement.
Manure should be disposed of inside manure pits.
Manure carts shall be empty after use. Manure shall be placed as far back as possible in the pit. Manure carts shall be returned alongside their correlating manure pit. Leaving manure carts in front of pits blocks other boarders from dumping manure. Do not dump manure in aisle ways, if a pit is full dump manure in the next closest pit.
Turnouts must not exceed 15 minutes regardless of the number of horses being turned out together.
Lessons and riders always have priority over lunging and turnouts with no time limit. Be courteous to other boarders. One should not have to be asked to take their horse(s) out of a turnout. The practice of “I didn’t see anyone waiting,” is not acceptable. All turnouts must be supervised. Owners may not put their horses in an arena and leave the area or facility. Horses shall not be left unattended at any time while in the arenas, round pens, wash rack areas, on the hot walker, or at the tie rails. Horses are not to be tied to fences, shrubs, cars, tack rooms or led by an owner operating a vehicle. Use the designated hitching rails.
The speed limit is 5mph throughout the stables.
Speed limits will be kept traffic slow in common areas and adhered to whether in a vehicle or on horseback. Drive vehicles no greater than 5 mph and keep horses at a walk in the Stables areas unless in an arena, round pen, or trail course. While on trails please keep horses at a walk when passing other riders. Avoid military training while riding in training areas. Do not approach uniformed personnel, vehicles, or tents.
Violations of these conditions may constitute grounds for loss of stable privileges.
Stepp Stables rules and guidelines are subject to change at any time, with or without notice at the discretion of the Stables management and Food, Hospitality, and Recreation leadership.
Dump manure carts and place them neatly alongside manure pits.
Please do not leave full wheelbarrows anywhere at the stables. Dump manure as far back in the pit as possible. After dumping wheel barrels leave them alongside the manure pit. Leaving wheelbarrows in front blocks other boarders from dumping manure.
If you have any concerns, please notify Stables management as soon as possible.
- weed whacking
- bathing horses
- painting
- gardening
- cleaning waters
- stall cleaning
- medicating MCCS horses
- brushing horses
- saddling horses
- assisting with lessons
- grounds maintenance, etc…
Dry landscaping, warmer temperatures, and Santa Ana winds may provoke fires. Causes include lightning, vehicles/machinery, ordnance, arson, cigarettes, electrical malfunction, and loss of control with controlled burns.
For your reference:
- If you see fire or smoke on base call Base Fire Dispatch at (760) 725-4321.
- For extreme emergencies call the Fire Emergency Line at (760) 725-3333.
- Trail riders please be aware of your location and know multiple ways to quickly and safely exit the area.
- Stables stalls are made of pipe corrals with metal roofs and dirt floors surrounded by large dirt aisle ways wide enough to be considered fire breaks
- In the event of a fire, consider leaving your horse in the safety of its own stall.
- Smoking near stalls and tack rooms is a fire hazard and is not allowed at Stepp Stables.
- During fire emergencies, water service may be interrupted. Consider having a water bucket in your stall and ensure it is full.
- Ensure a halter/lead rope with your name and phone number is with your horse to allow for quicker contact and return if emergency services or rescue volunteers evacuate the horses to safety
- In cases where fires encroach the area around Stepp Stables, access to the area may be limited or denied.
- If it is necessary to access the stables during a fire, please make your trip fast and exit as quickly as possible. Please note in some instances, you may not have access.
- Smoking or cooking in or around tack rooms is prohibited for your safety as tack rooms contain hay and other flammable materials; keep all heat sources clear and use picnic areas by the lower arena for smoking or cooking.
- During times of major fire emergencies, coordination efforts are handled by the Camp Pendleton Fire Marshall and Stables management. If you are not directly involved in the coordination and defense efforts, please minimize your presence at the stables.
- If you have any more questions or concerns, please speak to the Stables management staff or ask to view the fire safety binder located in BLDG 15016.
Feel free to address any questions, concerns, and review of fire plans with the Stables office at (760) 725-5094 or at
Have experience giving lessons and/or trail rides? Interested in working your own hours/days requested? Stepp Stables is now offering contracts for you!
Whether you want to use your own horse or one of ours, we provide private lessons, group lessons, and semi-group lessons as well as hour-long trail rides. You provide your schedule and we fill in the slots. To become a contractor we do require some requirements:
- proof of insurance
- ability to take own payment (Venmo, PayPal, etc…)
- a contract in place with Stepp Stables (contact the manager for this)
- CPR certification
- certificates or schooling showing proof of experience (not required but recommended)
Sergeant Major William F. Stepp
Our namesake, Sergeant Major William F. Stepp was a Korean War veteran and Bronze Star with valor recipient. Upon retirement, he held a post as the "Base Stables" manager from 1968 until retirement 20 years later. He became the namesake for the stables in 2002 and thus changed the name to "Stepp Stables."
Staff Sergeant Reckless
Staff Sergeant Reckless was a Korean War veteran Mongolian horse well known for her accomplishments during the war. She was purchased from a Korean stableboy for $250 and became worth so much more. Reckless carried over 386 rounds during a 5-day battle, over 95% of the time alone. She was a small-in-stature chestnut mare whose heroics defined the word "Marine." Reckless retired in 1960 and later passed in 1968. She was buried at Stepp Stables and is remembered by a plaque dedicated in her honor at the entrance to the main office.
Contact Information and Resources
Hours of operation:
Wed-Sun | 9am-4:30pm |