Filtering for: Family Members, Family Readiness, Family Readiness Program, Stories

Your Whole Story: NAGDCA National Retirement Security Week

October 21 – 27 marks this year's National Retirement Security Week. This year is especially imp...

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The Most Common Type of Litter in the World

Do you remember the old Smokey Bear ads? The campaign’s catch phrase was “Remember. . . Only YOU...

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Marine Corps Sports Program Celebrates Black History Month

In celebration of Black History Month, here’s a quick look at just a few of the most decorated bl...

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What is 529 Day?

Everyone knows higher education is an expensive venture. But, did you know there is special tax-a...

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Ten Things You Need To Know About Mentoring and American Corporate Partners

To support National Mentoring Month, the Marine For Life Network hosted a Facebook Q&A session wi...

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Nominate the SAPR Victim Advocate

Headquarters Marine Corps is pleased to announce the inaugural Exceptional SAPR VA of the Year aw...

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Transitioning Soon? What You Can Do About Credentialing

I have some time left before I leave the Marine Corps. What should I do about credentialing? Are ...

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Getting Left of Transition

Sgt Tyler Haas transitioned out of the Marine Corps in May, 2018. While preparing for his transit...

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Keeping Your Information Safe: How to Make the Perfect Password

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month! Believe it or not, the internet touches almos...

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Rebooting Virtual Learning after the Holiday Break

Let’s face it. Returning to school after the holidays is tough for everyone. Parents, teachers, a...

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MCX Book Club

Academy Award-winning actor Matthew McConaughey, author of Greenlights, will be featured in the s...

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Celebrating Abilities with National Down Syndrome Awareness Month

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately one in every 700 babie...

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