Filtering for: Family Member Employment Assistance Program, Local Story, Stories

Stay Fit in Quarantine

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a physical impact, even on individuals who have not contracted the ...

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#CORONAVIRUS Update: Catch Up on the Commandant's Reading List

During these times of uncertainty, it is important to remain flexible and to recognize opportunit...

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Investing in Uncertain Times

The S&P 500 had a rough start to the year 2020. It climbed a little, dropped a little, climbed a ...

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Fiber is Our Friend

If you are like most Americans, you consume less than 15 grams of fiber per day. Many experts rec...

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The New Tobacco 21 Law

You aren't the only one making New Year's Resolutions this year. Last month, December 2019, legis...

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The Transition Readiness Seminar (TRS) is a week-long program required by Title 10 for all active...

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Understanding Declining TSP Values

Financial health and drastic economic effects have presented concerns throughout the COVID-19 pan...

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BACK 2 SCHOOL: Master This School Year Before It Even Starts!

As your kids look forward to that final waterpark excursion, last summer break road trip, saying ...

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MCCS Recognizes Food and Hospitality Activities

Sixty MCCS restaurant and hospitality activities are recognized for their exceptional performance...

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PTSD Awareness Month

The National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) encourages people to observe Nation...

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Stay Combat Ready during Physical Fitness Month!

May is Physical Fitness Month! With gyms and workout facilities closed, health and nutrition are ...

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Expanded Access to Commissaries, Military Exchanges and Recreation Facilities

The Department of Defense is expanding commissary, military exchange, and morale, welfare, and re...

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