Healthy at Home
The uncertainty of our world at the moment can be overwhelming and chaotic. Whether you’re in the barracks with your peers or at home with your family, these feelings make it harder to eat well and stay healthy. If you find yourself reaching for the Cheetos more often than not, try some of these tips to give yourself a boost.
Stay Stocked
Before going to the grocery store, try to plan your meals for the week. This allows you to make a clear, concise list that you can stick to when shopping. Keep your pantry or fridge stocked with healthy meal and snack options. Some healthy options might include oatmeal, whole wheat bread, brown rice, granola bars, fresh, canned, or dried fruits and vegetables, and proteins, such as fish, chicken, or even peanut butter.
Portion Control
Don’t forget to practice good portion control when at home or in the barracks. To be mindful of your portions, try using smaller plates, eating slower, or drinking a glass of water before your meal. You should feel satisfied, not stuffed after every meal.
Rethink Your Drink
Remember that sodas, juices, sports drinks, and alcohol have calories too. Your typical 12 oz. soda has around 150 calories and close to 40 grams of sugar. Your typical 12 oz. beer may have 140 calories and 15 grams of sugar. The ideal intake of sugar is 25 grams per day, so limit your intake of sugary drinks and alcohol. Instead, try substituting for a glass of water throughout the day. If you feel you need something flavorful, try your hand at infusing water with things like oranges, lemon, mint, and cucumber.
Try Something New
Use this time to learn new culinary skills or practice a skill that you’re trying to master. For example, learn to julienne carrots or learn to make a mean brisket on the outdoor grill. Try some new crockpot or smoothie recipe. Search different recipes online to mix a new marinade, try a new dish, or make your favorite dessert.
Get Up and Move
It’s easy to sit at home and let the day go by while watching Netflix, but remember to take time to get up and get your body moving. An hour a day of moderate to intense physical activity is ideal, so get creative with new at home workouts, find an online fitness class, or give a HITT at Home workout a try.
Your installation’s Semper Fit Human Performance Program (formerly Health Promotion Program) offers nutrition education and meal planning advice.