Are You Prepared for Hurricane Season?

Are You Prepared for Hurricane Season?

According to the National Hurricane Center, peak season for hurricanes runs from mid-August to late October. Being prepared requires more than having a flashlight, canned goods, and potable water on hand. Preparedness also means having a proper plan in place. A comprehensive plan starts before disaster hits. Make sure your Emergency Plan is current, insurance coverage is adequate, proper documentation is secure, and you’ve got an emergency kit and an exit strategy in the event of an evacuation.

Did you know the most common date for a hurricane is Sept. 10, according to weather forecasters? You can stay up to date on storm information with FEMA.

Staying prepared will help you build peace of mind and a sense of security in the midst of adversity, so you and your family can better manage the outcome.

Stay Ready

Before an emergency happens, sit down with your family or close friends and create an Emergency Plan. Decide how you will get in contact with each other, where you will go, and what you will do in the event of an emergency. Keep a copy of this plan in your emergency supplies kit. Not sure how to get started? Your local Marine Corps Family Team Building (MCFTB) office can help you stay prepared through a variety of workshops, like Ready, Set, Prepare, where you’ll learn the basics to get yours started. 

Another way to stay prepared is to keep your insurance policies updated. Marines and their families are stationed around the world in places that could be affected by anything from wildfires to hurricanes and man-made disasters. You don’t want to wait until emergency strikes to find out what types of damage are not covered by your policy. Get ahead of the problem by determining what the best policies are to protect your home, depending on where you live. For example, consider renters and/or homeowners insurance, and additional damage protection like flooding and wind insurance if your main policy does not provide adequate coverage for these specific types of damage.

Also, be sure to have a basic emergency kit! The Ready, Set, Prepare workshop reviews specific information that Marines and their families need to be prepared in the event of any disasters. You will learn how to put together a kit  with many of the things you and your family will need to be prepared.


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