Money and Marriage

Youth Fitness (Ages 5-6)


Thursday, June 5, 2025


10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Frontwave Credit Union
BLDG 1105
Camp Pendleton, California


Phone: 7607256098 Email:

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Valuable planning information for couples and individuals who are planning for marriage. This one-hour class will provide you with important financial topics to discuss your spouse's financial expectations and ensure your financial security as a couple.

All classes are held in person for Camp Pendleton and virtual for Barstow. Registration is required for Barstow.
This class satisfies the MOL message regarding mandated training (MARADMIN 346/20). Per MARADMIN 346/20, Marines (officers and enlisted) are required to attend the seminar within ninety days of arriving at their first permanent duty station.

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