FAP Century Anger Management

Youth Fitness (Ages 5-6)


Tuesday, July 1, 2025


9:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Family Advocacy Program
2034 Barnett Ave
Lower Level
Quantico, VA 22134


Phone: 703.784.2570 Email: MCCSQuanticoFAP@usmc.mil

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8 session workshop designed to increase skills for dealing with anger at work and home and developing conflict resolution skills.

Every Tuesday for 8 weeks.

Workshop 1:  April 1 - May 20  |  1-3 PM

Workshop 2:  July 1 - August 19  |  9-11 AM

Location:  FAP, Little Hall, Lower Level

About This Course:

Course explores eight tools that help individuals manage anger. The goals is to teach individuals how to accurately examine triggers and perceptions of situations, and learn healthy, constructive ways to express their frustrations.

Topics Include:

Stress management, empathy, respond vs. react, self-talk, assertive communication, adjusting expectations, forgiveness, and time-out.

The Benefits:

  • Knowing your triggers

  • Assertive communication

  • Respond instead of react

For more info and to register, call 703.784.2570.

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