WARR – Level 2

Tuesday, April 15, 2025 - Friday, April 18, 2025Time
8:00 AM - 4:00 PMAddress
Paige Field HouseBLDG 1110
13th Street
Camp Pendleton, CA 92058
Phone: 7607635407The WARR Strength and Conditioning (formerly known as HITT) is a comprehensive combat-specific physical training program that is essential to a Marine's physical development, combat readiness, and resiliency. This course includes hands-on training for TRX suspension training, Olympic lifting, kettlebells, dynamic movements, and more. A WARR certificate is given to all.
For Active Duty and Reserves
Uniform: Bring Cammies and PT Gear (green on green)
Registration and application are required.
For questions please call (760) 763-5407.